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Anti-malware for Dependencies

Reduce the risk of malicious code in dependencies

Protect against malicious dependencies

Dependency Fort scans thousands of the most utilised dependencies for malware, including crypto miners, information stealers and backdoors.


It allows users to scan lists of dependencies used by their project to identify dependencies with potentially malicious code.


Dependency Fort is currently in closed beta. To sign up for the closed beta and receive news on Dependency Fort please sign up below. 

Dependency Fort performs continuous scanning on the most dependencies, creating a database of known malicious dependencies or dependency versions. 


It allows user to scan the list of dependencies they use against the database, using either a CLI tool or regular scheduled scans through an integration with their source code repositories (Git, Azure DevOps, etc).


Users can be notified when dependencies they use are found to have malware via either the CLI output, email or slack integration.



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